In today’s world parents and teachers need extra help reinforcing respect, courtesy, and self-discipline.
These are important elements in all our martial art schools. Our schools teach much more than kicking and punching. We teach life skills. Why not visit our martial art school to see how we can help reinforce the lessons your child needs in life.
Any child (or adult for that matter) who is rude or disrespectful will have very few doors open for them as they go through life. Surely the wish of every parent is for their child to be courteous, respectful and confident; to have the ability to defend themselves should the need arise and be able to cope with whatever life throws their way!
With all the hype around, claiming ‘this’ or ‘that’ is the best, it can be difficult to choose the right school. There is only one way to be sure, and that is to visit the school and see for yourself. With us it costs you nothing to do that! But before you do let us reassure you of a few things...
We have a fantastic team of instructors at our schools. Our instructors are CRB (enhanced) checked and have first aid,
health & safety,child protection, instruction and coaching certificates.